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Screening for Common Mental Disorders and Healthcare
Screening for Common Mental Disorders
Screening for Common Mental Disorders
Screening tools for common mental disorders have been translated into multiple languages. (Please note that it has been specified for each tool whether it is open-access or whether there is a fee associated with the use of the assessment tool.) Screening for common mental disorders is usually only useful when there is an integrated treatment system that can respond to potential needs with careful clinical assessment and appropriate stepped care.
Healthcare for medically uninsured immigrants and refugees
Healthcare for medically uninsured immigrants and refugees
This article developed by the Canadian Centre for Refugee & Immigrant Healthcare reviews the state of health care provision for medically uninsured immigrants and refugees in Canada.
Clinical Assessment Tools for Seniors
The Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale (RUDAS)
The RUDAS is a is short cognitive screening instrument designed to minimise the effects of cultural learning and language diversity on the assessment of baseline cognitive performance. The instrument is also available in Chinese and Italian. The organization offers an online Training Video, as well as a Scoring Guide.
Clinical Assessment Tools for Children
Clinical Assessment Tools for Children
This section provides access to a number of assessment tools for children, including the The Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment (ASEBA), the Pediatric Symptom Checklist, and the Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ).
Screening Children and Youth New to Canada
Resources developed by the Caring for Kids New to Canada, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and the CHNet-Works.
These resources provide a review of some of the key health issues affecting newcomer children and youth, and suggest how the CKNC website, including the e-Checklist, can be used by health professionals to prevent, identify and manage such conditions. You can access the PowerPoint presentation and the Audio recording.
The objectives are to:
- Outline the array of conditions that may impact the health of children and youth new to Canada
- Review the detailed screening, prevention and management resources available through CKNC
- Introduce new practical tools, such as the e-Checklist, to aid the screening process