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Mental Health Promotion
A Guide to Choosing and Adapting Culturally and Linguistically Competent Health Promotion Materials
This Guide, produced by the U.S. National Centre for Cultural Competence, Georgetown University, is designed to be used by community organizations and those who implement health promotion activities and want to ensure cultural and linguistic competence. It aims to assist these groups in making appropriate choices among existing materials, as well as to provide recommendations to adapt such materials for use in health promotion efforts.
Aboriginal Mental Health Promotion
The CIHR Network for Aboriginal Mental Health Research maintains a searchable database of mental health promotion and suicide prevention programs for Aboriginal communities and populations in Canada.
Best practice guidelines for mental health promotion programs: Refugees
This comprehensive CAMH document, geared towards practitioners, provides evidence-based guidelines for addressing the mental health needs of refugees.
Mental Health and Wellness
These mental health and wellness modules, produced by BC Partners for Mental Health and Addictions Information, emphasize that mental health is as important as physical health, describes the 4 Basic Dimensions of Mental Health and Well-Being, and provide tool foe self-assessment questionnaire (e.g. What is your wellness level?).
- Mental Health Matters
- Stress and Well-Being
- Social Support
- Problem-Solving
- Anger Management
- Getting a Good Night’s Sleep
- Eating and Living Well
- Healthy Thinking
Culture Counts: A Roadmap to Health Promotion
This guide was developed in 2012 by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. Its purpose is to identify a best practices approach to health promotion in mental health and substance use with ethnocultural communities to ensure that programs effectively address the needs of people from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds
Workplace Mental Health Promotion
The Canadian Mental Health Association website provides information and resources on mental health in the workplace, such as stress and bullying. It also provides information on mentally healthy workplaces by taking a comprehensive approach to workplace health promotion. The website also provides case studies, guidelines, information and practical tools to improve mental health of individuals and organizations. The resources are available at