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Indigenous Peoples
Mental Health Commission of Canada
The MHCC is partnering with Indigenous communities across Canada to help overcome barriers and support their vision for improved mental health.
Network for Aboriginal Mental Health Research
An information centre for mental health research information is based at the Culture and Mental Health Research Unit (CMHRU) of the Jewish General Hospital in Montreal. This makes available research tools and reports, by fax, e-mail and the Internet. The CMHRU is also the site of a Cultural Consultation Service that provides cultural psychiatric consultation to practitioners working with the culturally diverse population of the greater Montreal area, including Indigenous peoples.
Mental Health Programs for Aboriginal Peoples in Canada
This database describes existing mental health promotion, prevention and intervention programs and models for Indigenous peoples in Canada. The database was developed through a scan conducted for Health Canada and is presented here with their permission. The database will be maintained by the Network for Aboriginal Mental Health Research with support from Health Canada and updated periodically.
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada
This site contains various publications and reports, as well as an overview of programs, services and upcoming events.
First Nations and Inuit Health (Health Canada)
This website from Health Canada provides an a-z index of Health Canada’s First Nations and Inuit Health Programs. Health Canada’s First Nations and Inuit Health Branch(FNIHB) works with numerous partners to carry out many activities aimed at helping people stay healthy and promoting wellness.
Nechi Training, Research, & Health Promotions Institute
Nechi is committed to holistic healing and healthy, addiction-free lifestyles. It hosts three websites: Aboriginal Youth Network, Vision, and Nechi.
Aboriginal Healing Foundation
Aboriginal Healing Foundation is an Aboriginally-run, not-for-profit corporation that is committed to addressing the healing needs of Métis, Inuit and First Nations affected by the legacy of physical and sexual abuse in Residential schools.
Assembly of First Nations (AFN)
AFN is an outgrowth of the National Indian Brotherhood (NIB). The AFN is an organization of First Nations Government Leaders. This site contains a wide range of information about programs and events of relevance to and about indigenous peoples.
National Collaborating Centre for Indigenous Health
The National Collaborating Centre for Indigenous Health was established in 2005 by the Government of Canada and funded through the Public Health Agency of Canada to support First Nations, Inuit, and Métis public health renewal and health equity through knowledge translation and exchange.
Native Women’s Association of Canada
This association is devoted to enhancing, promoting, and fostering the social, economic, cultural and political well-being of First Nations and Métis women within First Nation, Métis and Canadian societies. The website offers information on violence prevention and safety, as well as information on physical, sexual, and mental health issues related to Native and Métis women in Canada. There is a section devoted to youth.
International Organizations
Australian Indigenous Health Information Net
This site provides health-related information about/for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations.
Four Worlds International Institute
This non-profit organization aims to address the interests and needs of indigenous people worldwide, and provide a much-needed channel for sharing knowledge.
Healing Our Spirit Worldwide
The Healing Our Spirit Worldwide Movement is focused on the alcohol and drug abuse issues and programs in Indigenous communities.