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Consultations & Reports
A New Canada: An Identity Shaped by Diversity
This report is based on the results of a Canada-wide survey which was run by the Globe and Mail asking Canadians to comment on their attitude towards the cultural diversity of Canada. Some questions, along with responses and supporting graphical representations, are presented. The authors conclude that Canadians view Canada as a place where diversity is valued and a guide for other countries to emulate. At the end of the report, the authors advise that there are 10 further articles, covering various subjects, which can be had from CRIC.
Accountability and Performance Indicators for Mental Health Services and Supports
The resource kit is designed to introduce the user to key concepts in accountability and performance monitoring. It emphasizes the importance of tracking performance indicators in the context of clear goals and objectives and suggests that the choice of indicators be driven by their relevance to decisions regarding resource allocation, policy direction, or system or program modification. Critical steps in the performance management cycle are described with the aim of improving the utility of monitoring efforts.
Interim Report (2013) by Opening Minds anti-stigma program of Mental Health Commission of Canada
This interim report is the result of a systematic review of anti-stigma programs in Canada. The report outlines current knowledge on programs targeting different groups including youth. It summarizes activities to date, comments on lessons learned, and identifies future work and challenges. The overall goal of the program is to examine best practices and to create resources available on a national and international scale to communities who wish to undertake anti-stigma programs.
Racial Profiling and Systemic Discrimination of Racialized Youth
This report is based on the results of a public consultation process carried out in 2009 by the Quebec Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse which looked into the issue of racial profiling and the systemic discrimination of racialized youth, aged 14-25, in Quebec. There were 54 written submissions and 75 individual presentations. Individuals covering all social strata participated in the process. There are 93 recommendations covering four areas: General, Public Security; Education; and, Youth Protection. Eleven areas in which the Commission will improve its functioning are also identified. This document is also available in French.
Towards Culture-Conscious Mental Health Services in Saskatchewan
This report provides a review of Saskatchewan’s health and mental health related legal, policy, and strategy documents. Given the rapid pace of migration-induced demographic changes in Saskatchewan, this review assesses whether strategies, regulations, and policies address the burgeoning needs of a culturally diverse population. The findings suggest an absence of cultural awareness in these documents and identify an acute need for culturally competent services and expertise across the province. It suggests there is a need for reformulation of health policies and regulations in a culture-conscious fashion.
Racialization and Health Inequities in Toronto
A report by the Toronto Public Health examines Toronto-level data to explore racialization and health inequities. The report analyses health inequities for specific racialized groups and the relationship between experiencing racial discrimination and poorer health outcomes. The analysis also examines factors that contribute to racialized health inequities, including racial discrimination, socioeconomic status, access to health care, and health behaviours. The results showed that members of racialized groups were more likely to report experiencing racial discrimination and to report having lower socioeconomic status than the non-racialized group. Overall, the analysis did not find evidence of racialized differences in access to health care or that racialized groups were more likely to engage in negative health behaviours.
Health Equity: A Call to Action for the Central East LHIN
This comprehensive report, which defines health as the physical, social and psychological, is based on consultations and focus groups with all staskeholders of the Central Local Health Integration Netword (LHIN) of Ontario. It outlines a strategic action plan for the geographic area covered, which is grounded in 10 overall recommendations.
The Alberta Survey of Addictive Behaviours and Mental Health in the Workforce: 2009
Alberta Health Services – Addiction and Mental Health sponsored three surveys conducted in 1992, 2002 and 2009. Measures used in 2002 were also those used in 2009 with an added component measuring issues pertaining to mental health. Focusing on the workplace, rather than the individual, 2817 employees and 363 employers were interviewed. Results showed that although there are some areas that need attention, the situation in Alberta is not catastrophic. Nonetheless, programmes to improve employee mental health can result, not only in greater productivity but, in a greater sense of “personal well-being”.