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Consumer Information
Mental Health Information & Resources in Chinese
The links below will download documents in Simplified Chinese. They are intended for Chinese-speaking individuals interested in learning more about mental health and ways of improving emotional well being. The resources have been collected from the World Health Organization and other sources.
- 关于抑郁症您应当了解什么 (中文) – Depression: What you should know (En)
- 担心您的孩子患有抑郁症? (中文) – Worried that your child is depressed? (En)
- 为什么您的新生宝宝不能让您开心? (中文) – Wondering why your new baby is not making you happy? (En)
- 保持积极状态,防止随着年纪增长出现抑郁症 (中文) – Staying positive and preventing depression as you get older (En)
- 担心未来?在少年和青年时期预防抑郁症 (中文) – Worried about the future? Preventing depression during your teens and twenties (En)
- 您觉得活下去毫无意义吗? (中文)– Do you feel like life is not worth living? (En)
- 您是否知道有人可能想自杀? (中文) – Do you know someone who may be considering suicide? (En)
- 双极情绪失调症是什么 (中文) – What is bipolar mood disorder? (En)
- 何为精神分裂症?(中文) – What is schizophrenia? (En)
- 支持父母和家庭:儿童和年轻人的精神健康与安康 (中文) – Supporting parents & families: Mental health and wellbeing of children and young people (En)
- 痴呆症 (中文) – Infographic on dementia (En)
- 尋求幫助,步出困境 (中文)- Asking for help when things are not right (En)
- 实用手册 压力及其处理办法(中文) – A practical guide to stress and stress management (En)
- 预防自杀 (中文) – Preventing suicide: A global imperative (En)