Dr. Ghayda Hassan est professeur en psychologie à l’université the Québec à Montréal. Elle est l’une des auteurs des lignes directrices cliniques fondées sur des preuves pour les immigrants et les réfugiés. Dans cette entrevue elle aborde des lignes directrices pour la santé mentale des immigrants et des réfugiés au Canada. Elle explique les raisons […]
Tag Archives: immigrants
Entrevues Entrevue avec Edward Ou Jin Lee, membre de l’organisme AGIR et étudiant au doctorat, travail social, Université McGill et Habib El-Hage, chercheur METISS, intervenant social, Collège de Rosemont, par Andréanne Boisjoli. « Il faut préparer les intervenants à bien comprendre la question LGBTQ dans un contexte d’immigration, et la complexité sociale dans laquelle ces […]
Lost in Translation: Mental Health of Newcomers – New Canadian Media An interview with Dr. Jaswant Guzder on issues of access to mental health care for immigrants and refugees and the importance of interpreters. Includes discussion of suicide, psychosis, depression, and cultural consultation. Lost in Translation: Mental Health of Newcomers – New Canadian Media – […]
BY CATHERINE SOLYOM, GAZETTE EDUCATION REPORTER JANUARY 21, 2014 A report released Tuesday by the Institut de la Statistique du Québec revealed that students born outside of Canada or to parents born abroad were less likely to smoke, drink and have sex. But the longer they lived in Quebec, the more likely they were to adopt […]
Entre-vues, le bulletin de l’équipe METISS, vous présente ce mois-ci les travaux de Ghayda Hassan, professeure en psychologie à l’UQAM, sur les critères d’admissibilités au programme SIPPE pour les mères immigrantes. Entre-vues_vol4_no8_octobre2013_en_ligne Vous trouverez tous les numéros d’ Entre-vues gratuitement sur le site Web du CSSS de la Montagne : www.culturementalhealth.com/?attachment_id=3797
Working with Vietnamese Americans: A Clinical Training Manual for Mental Health Professionals Thomas T. Nguyen University of St. Thomas, Minnesota Abstract Vietnamese Americans are among the most recent immigrants to the United States (Min, 2006). There is a higher need of mental health services for those who have witnessed traumatic events (i.e., war trauma and […]
VIDEO “It’s not only about the migrants, it’s about the migrants and us as a majority… just like in a couple we’re part of the equation.” Cécile Rousseau, Director of the Transcultural Child Psychiatry Clinic at the Montreal Children’s Hospital proposes a widening of focus when we think of immigrants and mental health to include […]
There are many pressures when resettling in a new country: the stress of immigration, the search for employment, getting recognition for training undertaken in another country, and dealing with a new language and culture. Inpsired by a 2005 study conducted by Dr. Cantor-Graae that found that immigrants have a 2-3 times higher chance than the average population […]